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How to calculate the c_hash of the authorization code?

I was trying to build oauth for an application. When I get the authorization code from the authentication server, I need to verify the authorization code by comparing with the c_hash value from id_token. But, how to calculate the c_hash of the authorization code?.

Till now, I have followed the following steps but not working:

  1. Calculate the hash of the authorization code.
  2. Take the first half of the hash value and encode it using baseurl64

For Example:

Header of id_token:

  "kid": "1",
  "alg": "ES256"

Payload of id_token:

  "sub": "mahbubcseju",
  "aud": [
  "c_hash": "xd7NpSKb8Tvs1Q2-6t-ygQ",
  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1608974358,
  "iat": 1608887958,
  "nonce": "dfa2c8164652312d6736bdc0b0b037b7"

Authorization code:'DXGp71nPXpv32QrasRjIZDFukiVVE7gk558mBtGqjjQ'


import hashlib
import base64

hash = hashlib.sha256('DXGp71nPXpv32QrasRjIZDFukiVVE7gk558mBtGqjjQ').hexdigest()
l = len(hash)
left_half = hash[:l//2]
base64_encoded = str(base64.b64encode(left_half.encode()))


But c_hash value and output are supposed to be equal but they are not. What can I do ? Any suggestion


  • You should use the raw bytes and not the hex representation.

    import base64
    import hashlib
    hash = hashlib.sha256('DXGp71nPXpv32QrasRjIZDFukiVVE7gk558mBtGqjjQ'.encode()).digest()
    left_half = hash[:len(hash)//2]
    base64_encoded = str(base64.b64encode(left_half))

    >>> base64_encoded