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AVX2 code cannot be faster than gcc base optmization

I am studying AVX by writing AVX code with inline assembly. In this case, I tried to implement AVX in a simple function. The function name I made is lower_all_chars_base.

Its behavior is: Apply logical OR to every single char in std::string with 0x20.

  • Let c be every single char in the input.
  • Assuming the input only contains chars in this set 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'.

So the function will make the characters be lower case.

I tried to make the AVX version of the function, the store instruction was unaligned, and there was no speed up at all.

Then I thought, if the memory access is aligned, then it must be faster. After that, I tried to make the AVX version with aligned store, but still gcc base optimization -O3 beats up my vectorized code by hand. What am I doing wrong here?

Functions Summary

  1. lower_all_chars_base simple function.
  2. lower_all_chars_avx_aligned AVX2 aligned move version:
  • Process first unaligned memory with base operation.
  • Then process aligned memory part with AVX2 and aligned move.
  • Then the rest with base operation again.
  1. lower_all_chars_avx_unaligned AVX2 unaligned move version:
  • Process the data with AVX2 and unaligned move
  • Then the rest with base operation.


  1. Why does gcc base optimization -O3 beat up my optimization?
  2. What am I doing wrong here?
  3. What is the proper AVX operation to do this?

Benchmark Result

  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 (2.20GHz)
  • Microarchitecture: Broadwell
root@esteh:/tmp# g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

root@esteh:/tmp# g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++2a -O3 test.cpp -o test
root@esteh:/tmp# nice -n -20 ./test
Min   =  0.00662300
Max   =  0.00793100
Avg   =  0.00717280
Total =  0.07172800

Min   =  0.00650200
Max   =  0.00785100
Avg   =  0.00726220
Total =  0.07262200

Min   =  0.00623600
Max   =  0.00835000
Avg   =  0.00701360
Total =  0.07013600


Edit: N - 1 for the memset.

Godbolt link:

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;

void lower_all_chars_base(string &str);
void lower_all_chars_avx_aligned(string &str);
void lower_all_chars_avx_unaligned(string &str);
void do_benchmark(std::string &x, void (*fx)(string &));
void mem_flush(const void *p, unsigned int allocation_size);

#define N (size_t)(1024u * 1024 * 40)

#define BENCHMARK(STR, FX) do { \
 puts(#FX); \
 do_benchmark(STR, FX); \
} while(0)

int main() {
  static char x[N];
  memset(x, 'A', N - 1);
  string a(x), b(x), c(x);
  BENCHMARK(a, lower_all_chars_base);
  BENCHMARK(b, lower_all_chars_avx_aligned);
  BENCHMARK(c, lower_all_chars_avx_unaligned);

  assert(a == b);
  assert(b == c);

  memset(x, 'a', N - 1);
  assert(memcmp(c.c_str(), x, N - 1) == 0);

void do_benchmark(std::string &x, void (*fx)(string &)) {
  const size_t n = 10;
  double min, max, avg, c, total = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    clock_t time0 = clock();
    clock_t time1 = clock();

    c = (double)(time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    total += c;
    if (i == 0) {
      min = max = c;
    } else {
      if (c > max) max = c;
      if (c < min) min = c;
    mem_flush(x.c_str(), x.size());
  avg = total / (double)n;
  printf("Min   =  %.8f\n", min);
  printf("Max   =  %.8f\n", max);
  printf("Avg   =  %.8f\n", avg);
  printf("Total =  %.8f\n\n", total);

void lower_all_chars_base(string &str) {
  char *cs = (char *)str.c_str();
  size_t len = str.size();
  while (len--) {
    *cs++ |= 0x20;

static const uint64_t mask[] __attribute__((aligned(32))) = {
  0x2020202020202020ull, 0x2020202020202020ull,
  0x2020202020202020ull, 0x2020202020202020ull

void lower_all_chars_avx_aligned(string &str) {
  char *cs = (char *)str.c_str();
  size_t len = str.size();

  /* Only use AVX for data bigger than 4K. */
  if (len > 4096) {
    /* Handle unaligned data from the head. */
    uint8_t n = (uintptr_t)cs & 0b11111u;
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      *cs++ |= 0x20;

    len -= n;

    /* Prevent AVX to process data beyond the array. */
    size_t vlen = len - 288;
    size_t j;

    /* Process the aligned memory with AVX. */
    asm volatile("vmovdqa %[mask], %%ymm0"::[mask]"m"(mask):"ymm0");
    for (j = 0; j < vlen; j += 288) {
      asm volatile(
        "vpor\t(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm1\n\t"
        "vpor\t32(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm2\n\t"
        "vpor\t64(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm3\n\t"
        "vpor\t96(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm4\n\t"
        "vpor\t128(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm5\n\t"
        "vpor\t160(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm6\n\t"
        "vpor\t192(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm7\n\t"
        "vpor\t224(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm8\n\t"
        "vpor\t256(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm9\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm1, (%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm2, 32(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm3, 64(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm4, 96(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm5, 128(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm6, 160(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm7, 192(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm8, 224(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqa\t%%ymm9, 256(%[cs],%[j])"
        : [cs]"p"(cs), [j]"r"(j)
        : "memory", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3", "ymm4", "ymm5",
          "ymm6", "ymm7", "ymm8", "ymm9"
    asm volatile("vzeroupper":::
      "ymm0", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3",
      "ymm4", "ymm5", "ymm6", "ymm7",
      "ymm8", "ymm9", "ymm10", "ymm11",
    cs  += j;
    len -= j;

  /* Backup remaining elements from the AVX operation. */
  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    *cs++ |= 0x20;

void lower_all_chars_avx_unaligned(string &str) {
  char *cs = (char *)str.c_str();
  size_t len = str.size();

  /* Only use AVX for data bigger than 4K. */
  if (len > 4096) {
    size_t j;
    size_t vlen  = len - 288;
    asm volatile("vmovdqa %[mask], %%ymm0"::[mask]"m"(mask):"ymm0");
    for (j = 0; j < vlen; j += 288) {
      asm volatile(
        "vpor\t(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm1\n\t"
        "vpor\t32(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm2\n\t"
        "vpor\t64(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm3\n\t"
        "vpor\t96(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm4\n\t"
        "vpor\t128(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm5\n\t"
        "vpor\t160(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm6\n\t"
        "vpor\t192(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm7\n\t"
        "vpor\t224(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm8\n\t"
        "vpor\t256(%[cs],%[j]), %%ymm0, %%ymm9\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm1, (%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm2, 32(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm3, 64(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm4, 96(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm5, 128(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm6, 160(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm7, 192(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm8, 224(%[cs],%[j])\n\t"
        "vmovdqu\t%%ymm9, 256(%[cs],%[j])"
        : [cs]"p"(cs), [j]"r"(j)
        : "memory", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3", "ymm4", "ymm5",
          "ymm6", "ymm7", "ymm8", "ymm9"
    asm volatile("vzeroupper":::
      "ymm0", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3",
      "ymm4", "ymm5", "ymm6", "ymm7",
      "ymm8", "ymm9", "ymm10", "ymm11",
    cs  += j;
    len -= j;

  /* Backup remaining elements from the AVX operation. */
  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    *cs++ |= 0x20;

void mem_flush(const void *p, unsigned int allocation_size) {
  /* */
  const size_t cache_line = 64;
  const char *cp = (const char *)p;
  size_t i = 0;
  if (p == NULL || allocation_size <= 0)

  for (i = 0; i < allocation_size; i += cache_line) {
    asm volatile("clflush (%0)"::"r"(&cp[i]):"memory");
  asm volatile("sfence"::: "memory");


  • I tried to apply some suggestions in the comments.

    Yet, I do not use intrinsics. Now the hand-coded Assembly version is approximately 1.02 times faster than gcc optimization with -O3 -mavx2 flags. It is not a significant speed up. But I learned a lot about inline assembly. I am still waiting for other answers, I hope there is a better answer than this.

    lower_all_chars_avx_aligned function changes summary:

    1. Use vbroadcastsd to load the mask, like how the clang does.
    2. Use dummy memory output to replace the volatile and "memory" clobber in inline assembly.
    3. Reduce the AVX2 threshold to 1024 bytes.
    4. Handle unaligned head/tail with AVX2.
    5. AVX2 loop is fully written in inline assembly.
    6. Utilize ymm0 to ymm15 registers.
    7. Add __AVX__ and __AVX2__ constant checking to prevent vzeroupper emitted twice.

    Benchmark changes summary:

    1. The data to be processed is 3.5 GB in length (it was only 40 MB).
    2. Run each function 30 times (it was only 10 times).
    3. Added -mavx2 to improve gcc base optimization.
    4. lower_all_chars_avx_unaligned is removed.
    5. Use heap from malloc instead of static char[] variable to handle bigger data.
    6. Run on Skylake microarchitecture (it was on Broadwell).

    Benchmark info:

    • Min is the minimum time from 30 times function call.
    • Max is the maximum time from 30 times function call.
    • Avg is the average time from 30 times function call.
    • Total is the total time from 30 times function call.

    Benchmark result:

    • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz
    • Microarchitecture: Skylake
    root@yukii-hpc2:/tmp# g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++2a -O3 -mavx2 test.cpp -o test
    root@yukii-hpc2:/tmp# nice -n -20 ./test
    Min   =  0.31086600
    Max   =  0.31319800
    Avg   =  0.31159833
    Total =  9.34795000
    Min   =  0.31823400
    Max   =  0.32902100
    Avg   =  0.31904893
    Total =  9.57146800
    root@yukii-hpc2:/tmp# g++ --version
    g++ (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
    Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO


    #include <ctime>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cassert>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    using std::string;
    void lower_all_chars_base(string &str);
    void lower_all_chars_avx_aligned(string &str);
    void do_benchmark(string &x, void (*fx)(string &));
    void mem_flush(const void *p, unsigned int allocation_size);
    #define _M(N) (size_t)(1024ull * 1024 * (N))
    #define _G(N) (size_t)(1024ull * 1024 * 1024 * (N))
    #define N (_G(3) + _M(512) + 1234) /* 3.5 G + 1234 */
       1234 is just to make it odd,
       so it likely will jump to the tail of AVX aligned loop.
    #define BENCHMARK(STR, FX) do { \
     puts(#FX); \
     do_benchmark(STR, FX); \
    } while(0)
    int main() {
      char *x = (char *)malloc(N + 1);
      memset(x, 'A', N);
      x[N] = '\0';
        string a(x);
        memset(x, 'a', N);
        BENCHMARK(a, lower_all_chars_avx_aligned);
        assert(memcmp(a.c_str(), x, N) == 0);
      /* Restore value for the next benchmark. */
      memset(x, 'A', N);
        string a(x);
        memset(x, 'a', N);
        BENCHMARK(a, lower_all_chars_base);
        assert(memcmp(a.c_str(), x, N) == 0);
    inline static void lower_all_chars_b1024(char *cs, uint16_t len) {
      while (len--) {
        *cs++ |= 0x20;
    /* Aligned memory for mask for performance. */
    static const uint64_t mask[] __attribute__((aligned(32))) = {
    void lower_all_chars_avx_aligned(string &str) {
      char   *cs = (char *)str.c_str();
      size_t len = str.size();
      /* Only use AVX for data bigger than or equal to 1K. */
      if (len >= 1024) {
        size_t    avx_size  = 0x1e0; /* Bytes per AVX main iteration. */
        char      *end      = &(cs[len]);
        /* End of aligned process iteration. */
        char      *end_avx  = &(end[-avx_size]);
        /* Dummy variable, to let the compiler choose the best GP register. */
        uintptr_t rem_bytes;
          /* Prepare %[rem_bytes] initial value. */
          "movq\t%[end], %[rem_bytes]\n\t"
          /* Load the mask. */
          "vbroadcastsd\t%[mask], %%ymm0\n\t"
          /* Handle unaligned memory from the head. */
          "vpor\t(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm1\n\t"
          "vmovdqu\t%%ymm1, (%[cs])\n\t"
          "addq\t$0x20, %[cs]\n\t" /* Move to the next 32 bytes. */
          /* Handle aligned memory part.
            Use `vmovdqa` to make sure that the memory is
            aligned properly.
            Note that ORing is idempotent: you can OR the same
            byte multiple times without changing it further. So
            %[cs] can partially overlap with `vmovdqu` operation
            before this point.
          "andq\t$~0b11111ull, %[cs]\n\t" /* Clear 5-bit LSB. */
          "vpor\t0x000(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm1\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x020(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm2\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x040(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm3\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x060(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm4\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x080(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm5\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x0a0(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm6\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x0c0(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm7\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x0e0(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm8\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x100(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm9\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x120(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm10\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x140(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm11\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x160(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm12\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x180(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm13\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x1a0(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm14\n\t"
          "vpor\t0x1c0(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm15\n\t"
          /* Plug the result to aligned memory.  */
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm1, 0x000(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm2, 0x020(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm3, 0x040(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm4, 0x060(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm5, 0x080(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm6, 0x0a0(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm7, 0x0c0(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm8, 0x0e0(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm9, 0x100(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm10, 0x120(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm11, 0x140(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm12, 0x160(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm13, 0x180(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm14, 0x1a0(%[cs])\n\t"
          "vmovdqa\t%%ymm15, 0x1c0(%[cs])\n\t"
          "addq\t%[avx_size], %[cs]\n\t"
          "cmpq\t%[end_avx], %[cs]\n\t"
          "subq\t%[cs], %[rem_bytes]\n\t"
          /* Now, %[rem_bytes] contains the remaining bytes. */
          "testq\t%[rem_bytes], %[rem_bytes]\n\t"
          /* There's no remaining bytes if `jz` is taken. */
          /* Handle the tail, may be back off several bytes
             to make the remaining bytes to be multiple of 32.
          "leaq\t0b11111(%[rem_bytes]), %[dec_avx]\n\t"
          "andq\t$~0b11111ull, %[dec_avx]\n\t"
          "subq\t%[rem_bytes], %[dec_avx]\n\t"
          "subq\t%[dec_avx], %[cs]\n\t"
          "vpor\t(%[cs]), %%ymm0, %%ymm1\n\t"
          "vmovdqu\t%%ymm1, (%[cs])\n\t"
          "addq\t$0x20, %[cs]\n\t"
          "cmpq\t%[end], %[cs]\n\t"
          #if !defined(__AVX__) && !defined(__AVX2__)
          /* Output */
          : [cs]"+r"(cs),
            [dec_avx]"=r"(end_avx), /* May reuse end_avx if needed. */
            /* Tell the compiler that this inline assembly is
               going to read/write `len` bytes from `cs`. */
            [dummy_mem_output]"+m"(*(char (*)[len])cs)
          /* Input */
          : [mask]"m"(mask),
          /* Clobbers */
          : "ymm0", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3",
            "ymm4", "ymm5", "ymm6", "ymm7",
            "ymm8", "ymm9", "ymm10", "ymm11",
            "ymm12", "ymm13", "ymm14", "ymm15"
      } else {
        /* Let the compiler use its own optimization here. */
        lower_all_chars_b1024(cs, len);
    void lower_all_chars_base(string &str) {
      char *cs = (char *)str.c_str();
      size_t len = str.size();
      while (len--) {
        *cs++ |= 0x20;
    void do_benchmark(string &x, void (*fx)(string &)) {
      const size_t n = 30;
      double min = 0, max = 0, avg, c, total = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        mem_flush(x.c_str(), x.size());
        clock_t time0 = clock();
        clock_t time1 = clock();
        c = (double)(time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        total += c;
        if (i == 0) {
          min = max = c;
        } else {
          if (c > max) max = c;
          if (c < min) min = c;
      avg = total / (double)n;
      printf("Min   =  %.8f\n", min);
      printf("Max   =  %.8f\n", max);
      printf("Avg   =  %.8f\n", avg);
      printf("Total =  %.8f\n\n", total);
    void mem_flush(const void *p, unsigned int allocation_size) {
      /* */
      const size_t cache_line = 64;
      const char *cp = (const char *)p;
      size_t i = 0;
      if (p == NULL || allocation_size <= 0)
      for (i = 0; i < allocation_size; i += cache_line) {
        asm volatile("clflush (%0)"::"r"(&cp[i]):"memory");
      asm volatile("sfence"::: "memory");