As the title suggests I wonder if it is possible to set the length of a line in python scripts when someone uses Qt Creator as an IDE, in order to get rid of this annoying warning:
I found at least how to hide these annotations (for Mac Os users):
First method is to go with the mouse on the top-left corner of the screen and to sequentially click Qt Creator->Preferences. Immediately the Preferences Dialog Window will appear inside the Qt Creator working window.
There, have to go to Text Editor in the left panel and in the right panel associated with Text Editor, in the horizontal tabs have to click on Display tab.
Scroll down and uncheck Line annotations.
The second and the third methods imply to place the mouse over one particular annotation (second method) or over one of the small yellow triangles which are shown in the left column of the "lines numbers column" (third method) and in both cases after one or two seconds will appear a floater and inside that floater with blue letters will be the "Annotation settings" message.
Clicking on that message will open the same Preferences Window like in first case. And there will be repeated the procedure described in the first case.