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MSB4044: The "KillProcess" task was not given a value for the required parameter "ImagePath"

Long story short, I was able to build a bitbucket .NET/MVC/Angular project successfully on windows 2019 azure hosted agent, but I am unable to make it build successfully on ubuntu agent. The reason I want to build it on ubuntu is because I noticed the build time is way faster than that of the windows agent, which makes sense considering the platforms.

I am facing this error:

Copying file from "/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/obj/Debug/Bobby.ProjectA.pdb" to "/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/bin/Bobby.ProjectA.pdb".
  Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
  Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
  Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".
  Creating directory "/bin/roslyn".

warning MSB3021: Unable to copy file "/home/vsts/work/1/s/packages/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0/build/../tools/csc.exe" to "/bin/roslyn/csc.exe". Access to the path '/bin/roslyn' is denied. [/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/Bobby.ProjectA.csproj]
"/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/Bobby.ProjectA.csproj" (default target) (1) ->
(KillVBCSCompilerAndRetryCopy target) -> 
error MSB4044: The "KillProcess" task was not given a value for the required parameter "ImagePath". [/home/vsts/work/1/s/Bobby.ProjectA/Bobby.ProjectA.csproj]

According to this post, the issue is because the VBCSCompiler is locking the src.

So i have exhausted all of these solutions here to kill the VBCCompiler, but none of them worked. I also can't restart the ubuntu agent during a build due to CI limitation, and killall VBCSCompiler bash script before msbuild task resulted in this error: VBCSCompiler: no process found

So now i am sure that this has to do with the last error message on the log which is error MSB4044: The "KillProcess" task was not given a value for the required parameter "ImagePath".

According to this post here, I would need to specify an image path but since this is running on a build agent, I can't do that since i can't simply click on the error message like the person did to open the Microsoft.codeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props file.

and i couldn't locate this file in the project, so i think it gets created during the build...

and even if am able to specify an image path, what would be the path? /bin/roslyn?


  • It finally worked! I don't know why removing these lines resolved the VBCSCompiler issue, but by doing so, the msbuild completed successfully on Ubunutu 20 agent!!

    Remove the following lines from the .csproj file:

    <Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" />
    <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.2.4.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props'))" />
    <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props'))" />

    To give some context to the answer, this post here indicated that converting from MSBuild-Integrated Package Restore to Automatic Package Restore (nuget restore task) implied that the Microsoft.Net.Compilers <Import> and <Error Condition> snippets are no longer relevant/needed in the .csproj file.


    When running this on windows agent, you will also need to remove the following line as well from the .csproj file

    <Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props')" />

    to resolve these warnings when building on windows agent:

    Warning MSB3030: Could not copy the file "\pagefile.sys" because it was not found.
    Warning MSB4181: The "Copy" task returned false but did not log an error.