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Why is the size of structure pointer **s when derefenced to '*s' and further to 's' is 8 in the below code in C? . Can anybody please explain it


     struct student
              int rollno;
              char name[10];
              float marks;

main Function

     void main()
              struct student **s;
              int n;

Total size of memory to be dynamically allocated

              printf("Enter total number of students:\n");

              printf("Size of **s: %ld\n", sizeof(**s));

Why the size of *s and s is 8 here ?

              printf("Size of *s: %ld\n", sizeof(*s));

              printf("Size of s: %ld\n", sizeof(s));

              s = (struct student **)malloc(sizeof(struct student *)* n);

Allocating memory dynamically to array of pointers

              for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
                   s[i]=malloc(sizeof(struct student));

User defined data

              for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
                   printf("Enter the roll no:\n");

                   printf("Enter name:\n");

                   printf("Enter marks:\n");

              printf("Size of **s:%ld\n",sizeof(**s));
              for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
                    printf("%d %s %f\n", s[i]->rollno, s[i]->name, s[i]->marks);



  • Pointer types are as big as they need to be to represent an address on the host system. On x86-64 platforms, all pointer types tend to be 64 bits, or 8 8-bit bytes, wide. The expressions s and *s both have pointer type (struct student ** and struct student *, respectively), so on your platform they’re both 8 bytes wide.

    The sizes of pointer types will be different on different platforms, and different pointer types on the same platform may have different sizes. The only requirements are:

    • char * and void * have the same size and alignment;
    • Pointers to qualified types have the same size and alignment as their unqualified equivalents (e.g., sizeof (const int *) == sizeof (int *))
    • All struct pointer types have the same size and alignment;
    • All union pointer types have the same size and alignment.