I have a problem writing a query to extract a table out of the arrays from a JSON file. I want to flatten the three arrays i.e. case_Time, details & others, and make them all in a normal SQL table.
Sample JSON data:
"case_Time": [
"v1": "1",
"v2": "0",
"v3": "0",
"date": "30 January ",
"dateymd": "2020-01-30",
"v4": "1",
"v5": "0",
"v6": "0"
"v1": "1",
"v2": "0",
"v3": "0",
"date": "31 January ",
"dateymd": "2020-01-31",
"v4": "1",
"v5": "0",
"v6": "0"
"details": [
"d1": "281844",
"d2": "10124024",
"d3": "146791",
"d4": "0",
"d5": "0",
"d6": "0",
"lastupdatedtime": "24/12/2020 09:12:24",
"d7": "2746",
"d8": "9692643",
"d9": "Total",
"notes": "some text"
"d1": "281944",
"d2": "1012",
"d3": "1791",
"d4": "0",
"d5": "0",
"d6": "0",
"lastupdatedtime": "25/12/2020 09:12:24",
"d7": "2746",
"d8": "96643",
"d9": "Total",
"notes": "some text"
"others": [
"p1": "",
"p2": "75.64",
"p3": "",
"p4": "",
"p5": "",
"p6": "",
"date": "13/03/2020",
"p7": "",
"p8": "1.20%",
"p9": "",
"p10": "83.33",
"p11": "5",
"p12": "5900",
"p13": "78"
"p1": "",
"p2": "75.64",
"p3": "",
"p4": "",
"p5": "",
"p6": "",
"date": "14/03/2020",
"p7": "",
"p8": "1.20%",
"p9": "",
"p10": "81.33",
"p11": "5",
"p12": "500",
"p13": "78"
I tried the below query but getting first array data only, how to flatten remaining array :
arrayElement.ArrayValue as av
FROM input as event
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.case_Time) AS arrayElement
SELECT av.v1, av.v2, av.v3,av.date,av.dateymd, av.v4,av.v5,av.v6
INTO powerbi
FROM Cases
Appreciate any help :)
You can Cross APPLY
all your array, try something like this:
arrayElement.ArrayIndex as ai,
arrayElement.ArrayValue as av,
y.ArrayIndex as yi,
y.ArrayValue as dt,
z.ArrayIndex as zi,
z.ArrayValue as ot
FROM input as event
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.case_Time) AS arrayElement
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.details) AS y
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.others) AS z
SELECT av.v1, av.v2, av.v3,av.date,av.dateymd,av.v4,av.v5,av.v6,dt.d1,dt.d2,dt.d3,dt.d4,dt.d5,dt.d6,dt.lastupdatedtime,dt.d7,dt.d8,dt.d9,dt.notes,ot.p1,ot.p2,ot.p3,ot.p4,ot.p5,ot.p6,ot.p7,ot.p8,ot.p9,ot.p10,ot.p11,ot.p12,ot.p13,ot.date as tdate
FROM Cases
INTO powerbi
This query will result in a complete cross product, so you will get 8 rows. If you only want to get 2 rows(correspond index), you can add Where ai = yi and yi = zi