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Difference between two times in Android Studio, (Registered time and current time)

I have a simple code, I record the time when the user hits a button and subtract that time from the current time. It should give me the difference.

The funny part is that if I print my vars they are correct but when I make the subtraction the result is the year 1969 the time the system takes as reference.

This is my code:

// I register this time to later compare to the current time.
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis().toDouble()

timer = Timer()
timer.schedule(timerTask {
    runOnUiThread {
}, 0, 60)

fun advanceTimer() {
//Total time since timer started, in seconds
val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis().toDouble()
time = currentTime-startTime


This is what the console prints:

D/startTime: 2020:12:20:21:27:39:78

D/currentTime: 2020:12:20:21:29:49:21

D/time: 1969:12:31:18:02:09:42

Can somebody help me, please?


  • This answer lead me the right way, actually my approach was good I just needed to make a function that showed only the difference.

    I made this one. Hope it helps somebody.

    Just call the function with the result of you operation, at the end I used Date().getTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis() but I think it should be the same.

    The complete code:

    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis().toDouble()
    timer = Timer()
    timer.schedule(timerTask {
        runOnUiThread {
    }, 0, 60)
    fun advanceTimer() {
    //Total time since timer started, in seconds
    val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis().toDouble()
    time = currentTime-startTime
    // Shows the time in a label on the screen
    timerString.text = differenceResult(time)
    fun differenceResult(time: Long): String {
        var x: Long = time / 1000
        var seconds = x % 60
        x /= 60
        var minutes = x % 60
        x /= 60
        var hours = (x % 24).toInt()
        x /= 24
        var days = x
        return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)