What I want is that on a-frame, when I talk, my 3D model avatar is also being made talking.
Following this guide, https://aframe.io/docs/1.1.0/introduction/models.html#animating-models, I created 3D model avatar with this resource, https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/bake-talking3-e715ab67be934a108d0a952d90c07210
But this gltf 3D model is talking all the time. I need interactive 3D model talking whenever I talk.
Let's assume my voice detection is already implemented.
Can anyone answer this, please?
The animation-mixer
component has two methods that should help
Let's assume my voice detection is already implemented.
Then Your code could look like this:
const modelEntity = document.querySelector("[gltf-model]")
const animationComponent = modelEntity.components["animation-mixer"]
mySpeechRecognition.onspeechstart = function() {
mySpeechRecognition.onspeechend= function() {
Something like what I did in this glitch. Green plays, red stops. Click on the fish to check out the source.