I'm making a simple submarine object in a-frame: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/periodic-best-lantern?path=index.html%3A4%3A41 but am unable to set the radiusBottom and radiusTop of the stern part, id="backCone". What have I missed? Thanks.
If you check out the docs - You'll see that the primitive mappings are a bit different from the component attributes. In this case:
is mapped to geometry.radiusBottom
is mapped to geometry.radiusTop
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.1.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<a-cone color="tomato" position="-1 1 -2" radius-bottom="1" radius-top="0.5"></a-cone>
<a-cone color="tomato" position="1 1 -2" radius-bottom="0.1" radius-top="0.5"></a-cone>