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pytorch custom loss function on minimizing the angle between vectors

The goal is to minimize the angle between the actual and predicted vectors in a neural network setting. Can someone please check if the following execution is correct?

criterion = nn.CosineSimilarity() 
loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(criterion(actual_vectors,predicted_vectors)))

#back-propagation on the above *loss* will try cos(angle) = 0. But I want angle between the vectors to be 0 or cos(angle) = 1.

loss = 1 - loss

#To me, the above does not seem right. Isn't back-propagation on the above 'loss' similar to minimizing the negative of 'loss' from line 2?
#Does '1' have no role to play here when back-propagation is applied?



  • Theoretically that makes sense. The goal of back-propagation is to minimize the loss. If the loss is 1 - cos(A) (where A is the angle difference between the two) then that is equivalent to saying that the goal is to maximize cos(A), which in turn is equivalent to minimizing the Angle between the two vectors.

    A simple example would be the goal of minimizing X^2 + 4 the answer to that optimization problem is the same as the answer to the goal of maximizing -(X^2 + 4). Sticking a minus on the whole equation and swapping min with max would make the statements equivalent. So if you have a function you want to MAXIMIZE and your optimization model can only MINIMIZE then just slap a minus sign on your function and call it a day.

    Another question you might ask is "what is significant about the 1? Could we have just said loss = -loss" and the answer is... it depends. Theoretically yes that is equivalent and the one doesn't play a role in the backward propagation (since it disappears with the derivative). However, once we start talking about actual optimization with numerical errors and complicated optimizers/update rules then the constant 1 might play a role.

    Another reason to have the 1 is so that your loss is nicely defined between 0 and 1 which is a nice property to have.

    So yes, minimizing the loss of 1 - cos(A) through back-propagation is equivalent to minimizing the angle between the vectors.