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How to solve Jacobian elliptical function in python

I know how to solve in Mathematica with EllipticF:

EllipticF[ζI[P], k2[P]] - EllipticF[ζr[P, r], k2[P]]

That's basically what i want to do in Python. I've tried many thing to use such as the function scipy.special.ellipj, but it returns a list and i want a number. Please, does anyone know how to solve this problem?


  • The equivalent to Mathematica's EllipticF in SciPy is scipy.special.ellipkinc.

    For example, in Wolfram Alpha, EllipticF(3/4, 1/10) gives the numerical value 0.7564213553633020688976920....

    With SciPy,

    In [49]: from scipy.special import ellipkinc                                                                                               
    In [50]: ellipkinc(0.75, 0.1)                                                                                                              
    Out[50]: 0.7564213553633021

    (I don't know what the arguments are that you are passing to EllipticF, so I can't help you with those.)