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How to convert a string describing time into seconds?

I'm trying to make a function to convert a time string (from the user) to seconds.

what I would like to do is to let the user input the time as a string, like:

"one hour and forty five minutes" 

and then break it down into seconds. So the output from the above will be

6300 seconds


  • If you want to do it from scratch then other answers are good. Here's what you can do without typing much:

    You need to have word2number installed for this solution.

    from word2number import w2n
    import re
    def strTimeToSec(s):
        s = s.replace(' and', '')
        time = re.split(' hour| hours| minute| minutes| second| seconds', s)[:-1]
        if not('hour' in s):
            time = ['zero']+time
        elif not('minute' in s):
            time = [time[0]]+['zero']+[time[1]]
        elif not('second' in s):
            time = time+['zero']
        time = [w2n.word_to_num(x) for x in time]
        out = time[0]*3600+time[1]*60+time[2]
        return str(out)+' seconds'

    >>> print(strTimeToSec('one hour and forty five minute'))

    6300 seconds

    >>> print(strTimeToSec('one hour forty five minute and thirty three seconds'))

    6333 seconds