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Laravel, how to get selected, db fields

Have a model, from controller, I need access this Model db fields.

Code in controller:

$crud -> get() -> getAttributes();

I was able to get entire table fields, but I need only fields, which are selected. Need dynamically show table with selected fields only, which can change during run time.


  • Assume you have a query:

    $query = Crud::select('id as Id', 'name as Name', 'something')
                 ->selectRaw('CONCAT(id, "-", name) as Serial')

    Without knowing what the query is, to get a table that looks like this

    Id Name something Serial
    1 A lorem 1-A
    .. .... ......... ......

    You need to use the Builder instance (before calling ->get()

    $query = Crud::select('id as Id', 'name as Name', 'something')
                 ->selectRaw('CONCAT(id, "-", name) as Serial');
    $results = $query->get();
        'id as Id',
        'name as Name',
    dump(array_map(function ($column) {
        return $column instanceof Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression
            ? Str::afterLast($column->getValue(), 'as ')
            : Str::afterLast($column, 'as ');
    }, $query->getQuery()->columns));

    So you could that to a view.

    $query = Crud::select('id as Id', 'name as Name', 'something')
                 ->selectRaw('CONCAT(id, "-", name) as Serial')
    $columns = array_map(function ($column) {
        return $column instanceof Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression
            ? Str::afterLast($column->getValue(), 'as ')
            : Str::afterLast($column, 'as ');
    }, $query->getQuery()->columns);
    $results = $query->get();
    return view('view', compact('columns', 'results'));

    And then in your view

          @foreach ($columns as $column)
            <th>{{ $column }}</th>
        @foreach ($results as $result)
            @foreach ($columns as $column)
              <td>{{ $result->{$column} }}</td>