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Why PanelOLS in python has different result than plm in R

I am doing a fixed effect model using PanelOLS in Python, and I have use plm in R to validate my result, to my surprise, the coefficient and P values are different between these two, even though they are supposed to be the same?

Data is from R’s dataset

# define the fatality rate
Fatalities$fatal_rate <- Fatalities$fatal / Fatalities$pop * 10000
# mandadory jail or community service
Fatalities$punish <- with(Fatalities, factor(jail == "yes" | service == "yes", 
                                             labels=c("no", "yes")))

Below is my Python code for PanelOLS

w1=Fatalities.set_index(["state", "year"])
mod = PanelOLS(w1['fatal_rate'], w1[['beertax','drinkage','punish', 'miles' ,
                                     'unemp','income']], entity_effects=True)'clustered', cluster_entity=True)

Below is my R code for plm

fatalities_mod6 <- plm(fatal_rate ~ beertax + year + drinkage + punish + miles +
                         unemp + log(income), index=c("state", "year"), 
                       model="within", effect="twoways", data=Fatalities)

I also would like to ask about the cov_type in PanelOLS, as I understood, if I would like to have robust standard error and P value, I should use cov_type=’robust’, instead of ‘clustered’. But I see many fixed effect examples using ‘clustered’—which one should I use to get the correct standard error and p-values for the variables?

Output python panelOLS are:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Output of R plm:

enter image description here


  • Two issues, 1. you're using year variable in the plm formula which is redundant because it's already indexed, and 2. your Python PanelOLS code calculates individual fixed effects so far, I can replicate the Python estimates with plm using effect="individual".

    fatalities_mod6 <- plm(fatal_rate ~ beertax + drinkage + punish + miles + 
                             unemp + log(income), index=c("state", "year"), 
                           model="within", effect="individual", data=Fatalities)

    Furthermore Python's PanelOLS appears to use standard errors clustered on state applying the Arellano method using heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors type 1 ("HC1").

            vcov=vcovHC.plm(fatalities_mod6, cluster="group", type="HC1",
                            method="arellano"))$coe, 4)
    #             Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
    # beertax      -0.3664     0.2920 -1.2550   0.2105
    # drinkage     -0.0378     0.0252 -1.4969   0.1355
    # punishyes    -0.0342     0.0951 -0.3598   0.7193
    # miles         0.0000     0.0000 -0.4217   0.6736
    # unemp        -0.0196     0.0128 -1.5385   0.1250
    # log(income)   0.6765     0.5424  1.2472   0.2134

    This resembles the PanelOLS result of Python.


    For the two-way fixed effects estimator of your data with cluster-robust standard errors, the code would be,

    for Python:

    mod = PanelOLS(w1['fatal_rate'], w1[['beertax','drinkage','punish', 'miles' ,
                   entity_effects=True, time_effects=True)

    and for R:

    fatalities_mod6 <- plm(fatal_rate ~ beertax + drinkage + punish + miles + 
                                 unemp + log(income), index=c("state", "year"), 
                               model="within", effect="twoways", data=Fatalities)
            vcov=vcovHC.plm(fatalities_mod6, cluster="group", type="HC1"))

    Edit 2

    Here follow comparisons of Python, R, and Stata, conducted with the grunfeld data that come with statsmodels in Python (they're slightly different from the data(Grunfeld, package="plm")).

    PanelOLS (Python), plm (R), and xtreg with vce(cluster *clustvar*) (Stata) appear to apply slightly different methods to calculate cluster-robust standard errors (see linked docs for details).


    from statsmodels.datasets import grunfeld
    data = grunfeld.load_pandas().data
    data = data.set_index(['firm','year'])
    import pandas as pd
    data.to_csv("grunfeld.csv")  ## export data for R / Stata
    from linearmodels import PanelOLS
    mod = PanelOLS.from_formula('invest ~ value + capital + EntityEffects + TimeEffects', 
    #             Parameter  Std. Err.     T-stat    P-value    Lower CI    Upper CI
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # value          0.1167     0.0129     9.0219     0.0000      0.0912      0.1422
    # capital        0.3514     0.0210     16.696     0.0000      0.3099      0.3930
    # value          0.1167     0.0191     6.1087     0.0000      0.0790      0.1544
    # capital        0.3514     0.0529     6.6472     0.0000      0.2471      0.4557
    print('clustered', cluster_entity=True))
    # value          0.1167     0.0113     10.368     0.0000      0.0945      0.1389
    # capital        0.3514     0.0470     7.4836     0.0000      0.2588      0.4441
    print('clustered', cluster_entity=True, cluster_time=True))
    # value          0.1167     0.0117     10.015     0.0000      0.0937      0.1397
    # capital        0.3514     0.0447     7.8622     0.0000      0.2633      0.4396


    grunfeld <- read.csv("V:/Python/fatalities/grunfeld.csv")
    fit <- plm(invest ~ value + capital, grunfeld, effect="twoways", model="within",
               index=c("firm", "year"))
    ## resembles exactly py
    round(summary(fit)$coe, 4)  
    #         Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
    # value     0.1167     0.0129  9.0219        0
    # capital   0.3514     0.0210 16.6964        0
    ## resembles approximately py'cluster', cluster_entity=True) and Stata (below)
    round(summary(fit, cluster="group", 
                  vcov=vcovHC.plm(fit, method="arellano", type="HC2")
    )$coe, 4) 
    #         Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
    # value     0.1167     0.0114 10.2042        0
    # capital   0.3514     0.0507  6.9364        0
    ## doesn't seem to change with two-way clustering
    round(summary(fit, cluster=c("group", "time"),
                  vcov=vcovHC.plm(fit, method="arellano", type="HC2")
    )$coe, 4) 
    #         Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
    # value     0.1167     0.0114 10.2042        0
    # capital   0.3514     0.0507  6.9364        0
    fit.1 <- lm(invest ~ value + capital + factor(firm) + factor(year) + 0, grunfeld)
    ## resembles exactly py'robust')
    round(coeftest(fit.1, vcov.=sandwich::vcovHC(fit.1, type="HC1"))[1:2,], 4)
    #         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
    # value     0.1167     0.0191  6.1087        0
    # capital   0.3514     0.0529  6.6472        0


    import delim grunfeld.csv, clear
    egen firmn = group(firm)
    xtset firmn year
    xtreg invest value capital i.year, fe vce(cluster firmn) 
    #         |               Robust
    #  invest |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    # -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
    #   value |   .1166811   .0114755    10.17   0.000     .0911122    .1422501
    # capital |   .3514357   .0478837     7.34   0.000     .2447441    .4581273