Below is the json blob that I have in my database
RootData: {
202003: {
201903: {
"abc": 123,
xyz: 456
data1: {
data2: {
Right now I have a query where to pull the data inside the node 201903
as below
select blah blah,
JSON_EXTRACT(convert(columnname using utf8), '$.RootData."202003"."201903".abc') as blah
In the above query, my question revolve around the part '$.RootData."202003"."201903".abc'
I DO NOT want to hard code the part 201903
and looking for a syntax where it can select the node with help of wildcard's.
I tried the below options with no luck
Not working as it is not correct syntax I guess. Looking for right syntax. 20 is always start of that key, we can depend on that. And it is the first key always.
Path in the form $.RootData."202003"**.abc
should help.
Refer -
The result type will be array. To fetch the first match result, the result can be nested in another JSON_EXTRACT
as below
select JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_EXTRACT(convert(data using utf8), '$.RootData."202003"**.abc'), '$[0]')
from rootdata;