I'm taking populating the contents of a table by using *ngFor to cycle through the contents of an array.
The table populates just fine, but I want to change the background of a cell based on the value it has been populated with (for example green if the value is "pass" and red if the value is "fail."
The approach I'm taking is to use ng-class to evaluate the content of the value of element of the array and using that to set the background - but it's not working.
Component HTML
<tr *ngFor="let e of list;">
<td>{{ e.description}}</td>
<td ng-class="{'Pass' : {{e.status}} =='Pass', 'Fail' : {{e.status}} =='Fail'}">{{ e.status }}
Component CSS
.Pass {
background-color: green;
.Fail {
background-color: red;
<tr *ngFor="let e of list;">
<td [ngClass]="{Pass: e.status === 'Pass', Fail: e.status === 'Fail'}">{{e.status}}
Or if the status can be either pass or fail - we can check the condition once with the ternary operator:
[ngClass]="e.status=== 'Pass'? 'Pass' : 'Fail'"
A few things:
{'Pass' : {{e.status}} =='Pass', 'Fail' : {{e.status}} =='Fail'} <-- e.status not {{e.status}}