The application uses apollo server and react in the frontend. In the backend I use apollo server. The request works via the Playground and Postman and I don't get any errors. Queries in the frontend without parameters also work perfectly. When I make a mutation in the frontend, I get the following error error: Response not successful: Received status code 400. When print debugging in the backend, I also don't get any args. In the Web-console: The XHR POST http://localhost:4000/ contains the following request: {"variables":{},"query":"mutation ($title: String!, $dotColor: String!) {\n newStack(title: $title, dotColor: $dotColor) {\n stackID\n title\n dotColor\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}
import { gql } from "@apollo/client";
const newStackMutation = gql`
mutation($title: String!, $dotColor: String!) {
newStack(title: $title, dotColor: $dotColor) {
export {[...], newStackMutation};
import { useMutation } from "@apollo/client";
import { newStackMutation } from "../queries/queries";
import { useState } from "react";
export default function NewStack() {
const [newStack] = useMutation(newStackMutation);
const handleNewStackSubmit = (e) => {
//newStack({variables}); actually I would pass the variables from the setState here
newStack({ title: "Test", dotColor: "red" });
return (
<form onSubmit={handleNewStackSubmit}>
<button type="submit" />
Ah, you know what its probably because you need to add the name of the mutation
const newStackMutation = gql`
mutation newStack($title: String!, $dotColor: String!) {
newStack(title: $title, dotColor: $dotColor) {
`;// Notice the `newStack` next to `mutation`, that should work
Also this
newStack({variables: { title: "Test", dotColor: "red" }});