i'm using v-data-table and the row-per-page in the pooter apeare with 3 dots as follow:
any idea why?
here is my code:
<v-data-table v-if="setupHistory.length > 0" :headers="setupHistoryHeaders" :items="setupHistory" :expanded="expanded" item-key="_id" :items-per-page="5" @click:row="GetActionsForExpanded">
<template v-slot:expanded-item="{ headers }">
<td :colspan="headers.length">
<template v-slot:item.date="{ item }">
<span>{{ (" " + item.date) | formatDate }}</span>
<template v-slot:item.status="{ item }">
>{{ " " + getStatusIcon(getItemStatus(item)) }}</v-icon
<span>{{ " " + getItemStatus(item)}}</span>
Have you tried getting this div class and then setting a min-width for that class in the style section?
Remeber to create the <style>
section without the scoped attribute or won't change child components