I am using facebook api to capture leads,
I am getting JSON which i am using after saving to DB as text.
[{"name":"full_name","values":["u091cu0940u0935u0928 u091au094cu0939u093eu0928"]},
for email I found that u0040 represent "@" so I used string replace in Php, but now problem is that I am getting some name in this format, i am not sure how to decode it.
Using the intl extension (make sure it's installed, it may be as simple as uncommenting it in your php.ini
and restarting your server):
function translateUnescapedUnicode(string $subject): string
return preg_replace_callback('/u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/', function ($match) {
return IntlChar::chr(hexdec($match[1]));
}, $subject);
What's happening here:
followed by 4 hex characters)$match[0]
will have the full match (uXXXX
), while $match[1]
will have only our capturing group (([0-9a-fA-F]{4})
) - the hex charactershexdec
per documentation:Returns a string containing the character specified by the Unicode code point value.
Testing it on your JSON:
$decodedJson = json_decode($json, true);
foreach ($decodedJson['field_data'] as $fieldData) {
will produce the following:
string(28) "जीवन चौहान"
string(5) "delhi"
string(13) "+919911152366"
string(16) "uiabhi@gmail.com"
string(6) "110095"
So you can see here that it preserves the regular strings without any unicode characters.