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How to select first row from a join that returns multiple rows on the primary key

I have two tables that I am joining. They share a key. The employee table has one name per primary key but the email table has multiple emails per employeeId.

I want to only show the first email per employee. Presently I get multiple rows per employee because they have multiple emails. I am running SQL Server 2019.

Edit: first email as I see it would be the first email row that shows up in the join as SQL works through the query. I do not matter which email shows up. Only that no more than one email shows up. I hope that makes it clearer.

My current query:

Select Employee.PersonName, Email.Email
From Employee
left join on Employee.ID = Email.employeeId;


  • One method uses a subquery:

    select ep.personname, em.*
    from employee ep
    cross apply (
        select top (1) 
        from email em   
        where em.employeeid = 
        order by
    ) em

    If you just want the email and nothing else, aggregation is also OK:

    select ep.personname, 
        (select min( from email em where em.employeeid = as email
    from employee ep


    select ep.personname, min( as email
    from employee ep
    left join email em on em.employeeid =
    group by, ep.personname