I must be missing something super simple, but due to my inexperience in Powershell, all the resources available are very in depth answers.
I have the following code which is to make a csv file with a directory's filename, modify date and creation date. It is to exclude certain file paths which are children of this directory.
Here is what I am trying to do: Upon the output of the csv, change LastWriteTime header and CreationTime header to a different tag i.e. Modified Time or something else.
What must I do to transform this code to modify the headers? I have seen answers creating arrays and then exporting values, but I feel this is an overly complicated method. What is the easiest way to accomplish changing the csv headers?
Get-ChildItem -path $pathlocation -recurse |
where {$_.fullname -notlike $PathsToExclude -and $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} |
Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, CreationTime |
Export-CSV -path $anotherpath -notypeinformation
The current csv headers show > "Name","LastWriteTime","CreationTime"
I want the headers to show "File", "Modify Date", "Upload Date"
Thank you in advance!
A solution is using Select-object as expression, for example:
Get-ChildItem -path $pathlocation -recurse |
where {$_.fullname -notlike $PathsToExclude -and $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} |
Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'File'; Expression = {$_.Name}},@{Name = 'Modify Date'; Expression = {$_.LastWriteTime}},@{Name = 'Upload Date'; Expression = {$_.CreationTime}} |
Export-CSV -path $anotherpath -notypeinformation
For more information Select-Object