I have used signtool
to produce a PKCS#7 bundle that contains:
The command that builds this PKCS#7 file is the following:
$signtool sign /f signer_certificate.pfx /p ∙∙∙ /fd sha512 /p7 . /p7ce Embedded /p7co 0 my_file
This outputs a file named my_file.p7
in DER form (ASN.1).
Now I wrote a C++ program to verify that, from the bundle, we can extract both the certificate and the message. For this I call CryptVerifyMessageSignature
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <vector>
std::vector<BYTE> InputPkcs7Data;
// read input file into InputPkcs7Data (CreateFile, GetFileSizeEx, ReadFile).
// out of scope.
Parameters.cbSize = sizeof(Parameters);
Parameters.dwMsgAndCertEncodingType = PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING | X509_ASN_ENCODING;
Parameters.hCryptProv = NULL;
Parameters.pfnGetSignerCertificate = NULL;
Parameters.pvGetArg = NULL;
DWORD DecodedMessageLength = 0;
PCCERT_CONTEXT SignerCertificate = NULL;
BOOL Result = CryptVerifyMessageSignature(&Parameters, 0, InputPkcs7Data.data(), InputPkcs7Data.size(), NULL, &DecodedMessageLength, &SignerCertificate);
std::vector<BYTE> DecodedMessage;
DecodedMessage.assign(DecodedMessageLength, 0);
Result = CryptVerifyMessageSignature(&Parameters, 0, InputPkcs7Data.data(), InputPkcs7Data.size(), DecodedMessage.data(), &DecodedMessageLength, &SignerCertificate);
if (Result == FALSE) {
wprintf(L"Error: %lx\n", GetLastError());
// inspect Memory
My problem here is that, even if CryptVerifyMessageSignature
succeeds, What I get into DecodedMessage
is not the original message. There are always several leading bytes that seem like garbage at first, but that contain information about the message length. I managed to understand that DecodedMessage
is sequenced as follows, depending on the length of original message:
This is really unexpected to me. Where does this “header information” stem from, and is there a way I can avoid getting it when calling CryptVerifyCertificate?
Is it possible that signtool
is not the right tool for generating the signed message?
It seems that the decoded message is an OCTET STRING
encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.690#DER_encoding. 04 is the tag number for OCTET STRING.