We want to migrate our App from Room to SQLDelight to reuse it on iOS (it is a Multiplatform project). I noticed however that SQLDelight is much slower than Room. For some queries it is around 10 times slower. I did some in depth testing with insert statements which take ~5ms on average with Room and ~25ms on average with SQLDelight. I checked (and adapted) the query so that they are exactly identical.
I also checked some PRAGMAs and found that SQLDelight uses Pragma SYNCHRONOUS=1 (NORMAL) whereas Room uses 2 (FULL) and SQLDelight uses JOURNAL_MODE=TRUNCATE whereas Room uses WAL. I changed these settings in the SQLDelight setup to be equal to Room and the performance got a bit better but still ~20ms for the test described above.
Does anyone have an idea what causes the difference? Any help is appreciated.
The reason for the slower performance seems to be the journal mode and synchronous settings indeed. I didn't recognise this before because my changes didn't work the intended way.
So the current answer for me is to set journal mode to WAL and synchronous to 2 which are the defaults for Room. I could only accomplish it by using the following code in the DriverFactory, if someone has a cleaner solution I'm happy to see it.
actual class DriverFactory(private val context: Context) {
actual fun createDriver(): SqlDriver {
return AndroidSqliteDriver(
schema = Database.Schema,
context = context,
name = "Database.db",
callback = object : AndroidSqliteDriver.Callback(Database.Schema) {
override fun onConfigure(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
setPragma(db, "JOURNAL_MODE = WAL")
setPragma(db, "SYNCHRONOUS = 2")
private fun setPragma( db: SupportSQLiteDatabase, pragma: String) {
val cursor = db.query("PRAGMA $pragma")