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Generate Print Quality PDF using ASP.NET

I've recently created a feature on a website which will generate a PDF document containing images and text. These will then be printed out and stuck onto coffee mugs.

I've done this using Winnovative HTML to PDF conversion.

Everything works fine, however the image quality is far too low for print, and looks rubbish on the mugs.

I've been told the reason for this is because the image will only be 70dpi (screen quality), when it needs to be 300dpi (print quality).

Is there a way I can generate these PDFs so that the images are print quality?


  • I have really good luck with iTextSharp, I build many good quality pdfs with it. But I build the pdfs from scratch, and print directly. Would it be possible for you to recreate the page content in the code and print? It's pretty simple to do, and there is a lot of resources/examples out there to build from.

    If not, there's several products out there like pdfcrowd. I can't say I've used it myself. But I've heard of people using it for high quality html to pdf, but you have to pay for the privilege.