I am trying to add a tensorboard container to an existing microservice structure running behind traefik. Unfortunately, the traefik version is 1.5 so a lot of recent articles are not helpful.
Since there is a default service on www.my-server.com/
, I am trying to have traefik redirect to the tensorboard service from www.my-server.com/tensorboard/
. Here is my docker-compose (the part relevant for tensorboard)
build: "./docker/build/images/tensorflow"
container_name: tensorboard
command: tensorboard --logdir=runs --port=8888 --host=
- log.level=debug
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.frontend.rule=Host:www.my-server.com;PathPrefix:/tensorboard/
- ./machine_learning:/opt/src
ipc: host
When I visit www.my-server.com/tensorboard/
I get "Not Found". If I remove the host argument from the command I get "Bad Gateway". I don't understand what either of these mean but I think one of them is being able to reach the service but the service is getting the request with the prefix tensorboard and is complaining.
How do I make this work?
Turns out that the following command will solve this problem
tensorboard --logdir mylogdir --bind_all --path_prefix=/tensorboard