I am not an expert in informatics stuffs. I deleted an environment that had many packages, one of them psi4 using the command:
conda remove --name myenv --all
However, in the folder:
there are still some folders like:
psi4-1.3.2+ecbda83-py37h06ff01c_1, psi4-rt-1.3.2-py37h6cf1279_1
And the same happened for other packages that I manually identified, therefore, I assume that the same happen for the rest of the packages that belonged to this environment. And the problem is that these files take space from my disk and I really don't know how many and what are the packages on this situation. Is there some way to delete all these non-used folders in order to free space? Thanks in advance.
The command you used just removes the environment or installed package not the downloaded binary files. You can clean those up using:
conda clean -a