Is there a way to add a value to an existing graphene.Enum
I want to use graphene-sqlalchemy sort_enum() functionality and to add additional functionality of my own - TOTAL_COUNT_ASC
that will enable sorting by total count, but I can figure out how to do it. Directly adding the fields to the graphene.Enum doesn't work:
SqlModel.sort_enum().TOTAL_COUNT_ASC = "TOTAL_COUNT_ASC"
The best way that I found is:
from graphene_sqlalchemy import utils
# Take the original Enum
ExtendedValues = [(, m.value) for m in SqlModel.sort_enum()._meta.enum]
# Add the new values with EnumValue
ExtendedValues += [("TOTAL_COUNT_ASC", utils.EnumValue('TOTAL_COUNT_ASC', sqlalchemy.func.count())), ('TOTAL_COUNT_DESC', utils.EnumValue('TOTAL_COUNT_DESC', sqlalchemy.func.count().desc()))]
# Create the extended graphene enum
ExtendedEnum = graphene.Enum("ExtendedEnum", ExtendedValues)