I am creating stock technical indicators for technical analysis. Most of the indicators work fine except MFI. The moment code reaches to MFI, I get below error
Series contains non-leading NAs
I have verified that there are no non leading NAs in stock series.Still I get this error. Below is a reproducible code. Appreciate any help.
get_indicators <- function(stock, period){
stock <- na.locf(stock)
price_change <- Ad(lag(stock,-period)) - Ad(stock)
response <- ifelse(price_change > 0, "Up", "Down")
#Simple Moving Average
sma15 <- SMA(Ad(stock),n=15)
sma50 <- SMA(Ad(stock),n=50)
#Exponential Moving Average
ema15 <- EMA(Ad(stock),n=15)
ema50 <- EMA(Ad(stock),n=50)
#Moving Average Convergence Divergence
macd <- MACD(Ad(stock), nFast=12, nSlow=26, nSig=9, maType= "EMA")
#Relative Strength Index
rsi <- RSI(Ad(stock), n=14, maType= "EMA")
#High, Low, and Adjusted Close xts object
hlac <- as.xts(data.frame(x=Hi(stock), y=Lo(stock), z=Ad(stock)))
#Stochastic Oscillator
sto <- stoch(hlac, nFastK = 14) *100
#Commodity Channel Index
cci <-CCI(hlac, n = 20, c = 0.015)
#Price Rate of Change
proc <- ROC(Ad(stock), n=14) *100
mom <- momentum(Ad(stock), n=14)
#Bollinger Bands
bb <- BBands(Ad(stock),n=20,sd = 2)
#Average True Range
atr <- ATR(hlac, n=14)
#On Balance Volume
obv <- OBV(Ad(stock), Vo(stock))
#Money Flow Index
mfi <- MFI(hlac,Vo(stock),n=14)
#Feature Aggregation: Combine all derived indicators for model buuilding
indicators <- data.frame(sma15, sma50, ema15, ema50, macd, rsi,
sto, cci, proc, mom, bb$mavg, atr$atr, obv, response)
colnames(indicators) <- c("SMA.15","SMA.50","EMA.15","EMA.50","MACD","MACDSignal",
"MOM.14", "BB","ATR", "OBV","Response")
start.date <-'2015-01-01'
end.date <-'2020-01-01'
stoci <- get_indicators(SBIN.NS,20)
The problem seems to be with your hlac
object. Using adjusted closing price instead of actual closing price might be the reason.
The problem code works fine when using a quantmod::HLC()
object instead.
``` r
#> Loading required package: xts
#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: 'zoo'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> as.Date, as.Date.numeric
#> Loading required package: TTR
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> as.zoo.data.frame zoo
#> Version 0.4-0 included new data defaults. See ?getSymbols.
from <-'2015-01-01'
to <-'2020-01-01'
stock <- "SBIN.NS"
getSymbols(stock, from = from, to = to, src = 'yahoo')
### Messages removed ###
#> [1] "SBIN.NS"
SBIN.NS <- na.locf(SBIN.NS)
#> [1] 0
#hlac <- as.xts(data.frame(x=Hi(SBIN.NS), y=Lo(SBIN.NS), z=Ad(SBIN.NS)))
hlc <- HLC(SBIN.NS)
mfi <- MFI(hlc,Vo(SBIN.NS),n=10)
head(mfi, n = 20)
#> mfi
#> 2015-01-01 NA
#> 2015-01-02 NA
#> 2015-01-05 NA
#> 2015-01-06 NA
#> 2015-01-07 NA
#> 2015-01-08 NA
#> 2015-01-09 NA
#> 2015-01-12 NA
#> 2015-01-13 NA
#> 2015-01-14 NA
#> 2015-01-15 53.58373
#> 2015-01-16 41.74790
#> 2015-01-19 41.48900
#> 2015-01-20 51.62824
#> 2015-01-21 64.43703
#> 2015-01-22 65.38013
#> 2015-01-23 74.19176
#> 2015-01-27 75.15463
#> 2015-01-28 76.77622
#> 2015-01-29 73.79739
Created on 2020-12-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)