I would like to include several file in Magento 2 in one phtml file. The project was in laravel at first and looks like this :
So now I need to import all the project in a Magento 2 project but the semantic is different. I have tried this so far but doesnt work :
The files I'm trying to call are in a subfolder and the path of these files is :
with other subfolders like
Do you have any idea how can I do this ? When the file is in the same directory, there is no problem, it's display, and I guess I'm writting the path badly.
Please use the below path for this:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock("Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template")->setTemplate("Wo_EyeTest::eyetestSteps/step1/_instructions.phtml")->toHtml(); ?>