The original question was Is there a way to get a reference to a fragment that is displayed using a BottomNavigationView?
. But I've figured some things out and realized I was asking the wrong question.
I'd like to get a reference to a fragment that is being displayed using a BottomNavigationView
This is how my BottomNavigationView
is being setup. It's in onCreate
of an Activity.
val navView: BottomNavigationView = findViewById(R.id.nav_view)
val navController = findNavController(R.id.bottom_nav_view_nav_host)
val appBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration(setOf(
setupActionBarWithNavController(navController, appBarConfiguration)
I've tried to get the fragment with bottomNav.findFragment<TheFragmentType>()
it throws an exception.
I was asking the wrong question originally. I can just use the navController to call the correct navigation component in order to show the right fragment with a back stack.
val bundle = bundleOf("someId" to "theId")
navController.navigate(R.id.action_navigation_list_to_details, bundle)