I'm trying to minimize a function of two variables using scipy.optimize.brute
algorithm, but I've receiving the error TypeError: Fcone() missing 1 required positional argument: 'R'
Here's my code:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
gamma = 17.
C = 45.
T = 12.
H = 1.2
R = 1.3
H1 = 0.57
def Fcone(alpha, beta, H1, gamma, C, T, H, R):
return np.pi/((np.cos(alpha))**2 * (np.cos(beta))**2) * ((np.cos(alpha))**2
* ((np.cos(beta))**2 * (gamma*H1**3 + 2*H1**2*(C-T-gamma*H) - H*H1*
(2*C-2*T-gamma*H) + H*(gamma*R**2 + H*(C-T)-(gamma*H**2)/3)) -
2*R*(H-H1)*np.cos(beta) * ((gamma*H1/2 - gamma*H/2 + C -T)*
np.sin(beta) - C) + (C*np.sin(beta) + gamma*H/3 - gamma*H1/3
-C + T)*(H-H1)**2) - 2*H1*np.cos(beta)*np.cos(alpha)*(
R*np.cos(beta)*((gamma*H1/2 + C -T -gamma*H)*np.sin(alpha)
- C) + np.sin(alpha)*(H-H1)*((gamma*H1/2 - gamma*H/2 + C -T)
*np.sin(beta)-C)) + (np.cos(beta))**2 * H1**2 *
(gamma*H + C*np.sin(alpha)
-2*gamma*H1/3 -C+T))
ranges = (slice(0, np.pi/2, np.pi/10000), slice(0, np.pi/2, np.pi/10000))
res = opt.brute(Fcone, ranges, args=(H1, gamma, C, T, H, R), finish=None)
Where gamma, C,T, H, R1 and H1 are given parameters. Despite the very large (and probably confusing equation), how can I fix this problem and minimize the function for the two parameters alpha and beta? Thank you!
P.S.: The function alone is running fine when I assign all values for the parameters.
Amend Fcone()
as follows...
def Fcone(alpha_beta, H1, gamma, C, T, H, R):
alpha = alpha_beta[0]
beta = alpha_beta[1]
The variables being optimized have to be put into a 1D array, check docs here. Their values will be in res[0]