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Graphml to Sf object in R

I'm trying to convert the nodes of a graphml file to an sf object in R. It works until I create the sfc object. Once I've added the attributes, R is no longer able to plot or do any operation with it.


#read the graph
gi <- read.graph(
  format = "graphml")

#Extract coordinates and create id vector
x <- as.numeric(V(gi)$x)
y <- as.numeric(V(gi)$y)
id <-
#convert to sf object
nodes <- st_multipoint(cbind(x,y))
nodes <- st_sfc(nodes, crs=4326)
nodes <- st_sf(id, geometry = nodes)

#here it crashes

I tried with different graphs, obtained by different methods, and I got the same result.

Thank you.


  • An alternative solution could be to use tidygraph as a mediator to convert the data into tibble structures that can be more easily passed to sf:

    gi <- read_graph(
      format = "graphml")
    (nodes <- as_tbl_graph(gi) %>% 
      activate("nodes") %>% 
      as_tibble() %>% 
      st_as_sf(coords = c('x', 'y'), crs = 4326))
    #> Simple feature collection with 6362 features and 4 fields
    #> geometry type:  POINT
    #> dimension:      XY
    #> bbox:           xmin: 2.786515 ymin: 41.93955 xmax: 2.895689 ymax: 42.02881
    #> geographic CRS: WGS 84
    #> # A tibble: 6,362 x 5
    #>    ref   highway osmid      id                    geometry
    #>  * <chr> <chr>   <chr>      <chr>              <POINT [°]>
    #>  1 ""    ""      2818883585 2818883585 (2.810092 41.97531)
    #>  2 ""    ""      772161540  772161540   (2.814935 41.9714)
    #>  3 ""    ""      2818883588 2818883588  (2.80979 41.97537)
    #>  4 ""    ""      2818883590 2818883590 (2.810225 41.97548)
    #>  5 ""    ""      772177927  772177927  (2.830774 41.98178)
    #>  6 ""    ""      772227076  772227076  (2.850591 41.96948)
    #>  7 ""    ""      1622622216 1622622216  (2.80656 41.96506)
    #>  8 ""    ""      2818883593 2818883593 (2.809976 41.97563)
    #>  9 ""    ""      800522251  800522251  (2.828536 41.98674)
    #> 10 ""    ""      2818883592 2818883592 (2.810574 41.97554)
    #> # ... with 6,352 more rows