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How to create GUI in OpenEdge Progress 4GL

While having a look at a frame, developed in Progress 4GL, I see source code like the following:

     Field1 AT ROW 1.54 COL 3 NO-LABEL
     Field2 AT ROW 1.81 COL 33
     Field3 AT ROW 2.54 COL 7.29 COLON-ALIGNED

This hardcoded way of working is heavily different than GUI development in Java (Swing) and Delphi (panels), where general layouts are used, having its impact on resizing, working with different resolutions, ...

My colleagues have no idea what I'm talking about, hence my question here: is a modern layout possible in OpenEdge Progress 4GL?

Thanks in advance


  • Old fossils (like me) code with a text editor and some of us prefer manual layout.

    But the cool kids use visual IDEs like Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge to layout their GUI stuff.

    (PDSOE supports "round trip" editing so I can pop open the generated code and adjust things manually if I don't want to use the visual tools.)