I have this code:
private$svg <- if(is(private$idaPlotObj, "DivosGridBmiPlot")){
} else {
in my code and I'm trying to refactor this code and get list of classes from private$idaPlotObj that is reference class, but all I get is this:
[1] "BMIDynamicRatiosPlot"
[1] "divosBMI"
when I'm using attr(private$idaPlotObj,"class")
or class(private$idaPlotObj)
How can I get all class names from reference class? If I will have 4 classes I will need to check each one with is
. I would like to compare vectors to test if class is on the list.
Here is what you could do for reference classes:
setRefClass("Polygon", fields = list(sides="integer"))
setRefClass("Triangle", contains = "Polygon")
EQL = setRefClass("EquilateralTriangle", contains = c("Triangle", "Regular"))
tri1 <- EQL$new(sides=3L)
Now to obtain all the classes of tri1
we do:
[1] "Triangle" "Regular" "Polygon" "envRefClass"
Putting everything together, you could do:
getRefClassNames <- function(obj) {
c(class(obj), head(obj@.xData$.refClassDef@refSuperClasses, -1))