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How to create symbolic links for custom installation without root permission?

First of all, I must say I'm not very comfortable with UNIX commands, shell language etc. I'm willing to install Google library SentencePiece (>, which is a dependency of a fairseq script to preprocess some speech data. I followed installation procedure as stated in the from the git repo.

I do not have root privileges, hence I couldn't install it the precognized way with cmake (meaning in /etc), and I had to install it in a custom directory. For the same reasons, as I do not have root privileges nor access to /etc directory, I couldn't execute the last line : sudo ldconfig -v. Trying the execution without sudo obviously returned a permission error. And now, if I try to call a function from SentencePiece, I get an error :

spm_train: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I understand it comes from the fact that I did not build any link between thoses dependencies (and the executable file ?) as I couldn't execute ldconfig, hence I do not know if I should call it with a specified path pointing to my customized directory (hence not needing root privileges as not needing access to /etc ?) or if I need to use another command ? In both cases, I don't know how to do it.

Thanks in advance for your help !


  • Running ldconfig -n path/to/shared/libs

    and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/shared/libs seems to solve my problem !