I want to implement Twitter authentication in Laravel 8.
I am using Socialite.
The local operation check was successful.
I authenticated with Twitter and was able to get the name.
When I deploy to Heroku, I get an error.
The environment variables for Heroku (TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_REDIRECT_URI, TWITTER_SECRET) are set.
heroku run composer show -i
laravel / socialite and socialiteproviders/twitter and socialiteproviders/manager has been uploaded to heroku.
[Status] Error when starting Twitter authentication from Laravel8 application.
League\OAuth1\Client\Signature\HmacSha1Signature::League\OAuth1\Client\Signature\{closure}(): Argument #2 ($value) must be passed by reference, value given
I'm not good at English, but I'll do my best. Thank you.
This bug has been solved here: https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth1-client/issues/127 I asked for a new release. So you either wait for the new release, or you (temporarily) require the latest dev version which includes the bugfix via:
composer require league/oauth1-client:dev-master