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How to Get hierarchical nested object of mongoose data

I have data like this:

[{ "id": 80, "Category": "1", "sub_category": null},
 { "id": 81, "Category": "1.1", "sub_category": 80},
{ "id": 82, "Category": "1.1.1", "sub_category": 81},
{ "id": 83, "Category": "1.2", "sub_category": 80},
{ "id": 84, "Category": "", "sub_category": 82}]

i am using express js with mongoose. node version 10.19.0 and npm version 6.14.9 and express js version 4.17.1. i have a category table and i have to get data with hierarchical nested data. like this

 { "id": 80, 
   "Category": "1", 
   "sub_category": null, 
   "SubCategories": [{ "id": 81, 
                       "Category": "1.1", 
                       "sub_category": 80,
                       "SubCategories": [{ "id": 82, 
                                            "Category": "1.1.1", 
                                            "sub_category": 81,
                                            "SubCategories": [{ "id": 84, 
                                                                "Category": "", 
                                                                "sub_category": 82,
                                                                "SubCategories": [...]
                     { "id": 83, 
                       "Category": "1.2", 
                       "sub_category": 80,
                       "SubCategories": [...]

I tried graphLookup query for that,

  $graphLookup: {
    from: "examcategories", 
    startWith: "$id", 
    connectFromField: "id", 
    connectToField: "sub_category", 
    as: "SubCategoies" 

and get output like this

  "id": 80, 
  "Category": "1", 
  "sub_category": null,
  "SubCategories": [{ 
    "id": 81,
    "Category": "1.1",
    "sub_category": 80 
     "id": 82,
     "sub_category": 81 
     "id": 84,
     "Category": "",
     "sub_category": 82 
     "id": 83,
     "Category": "1.2",
     "sub_category": 80,


  • The $graphLookup performs a recursive search on a collection, with options for restricting the search by recursion depth and query filter, but just $groupLookup not enough for this, need to use more operators

    • $match filter that records only have sub_category is null
    • $graphLookup to get sub category records and depth number in defthField level
    • $unwind deconstruct SubCategories array and allow to not remove empty sub categories
    • $sort by depth level field level in descending order
    • $group by id field and reconstruct SubCategories array
      { $match: { sub_category: null } },
        $graphLookup: {
          from: "examcategories",
          startWith: "$id",
          connectFromField: "id",
          connectToField: "sub_category",
          depthField: "level",
          as: "SubCategories"
        $unwind: {
          path: "$SubCategories",
          preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
      { $sort: { "SubCategories.level": -1 } },
        $group: {
          _id: "$id",
          sub_category: { $first: "$sub_category" },
          Category: { $first: "$Category" },
          SubCategories: { $push: "$SubCategories" }
    • $addFields now find the nested level sub categories and allocate to its level,
      • $reduce to iterate loop of SubCategories array.
      • initialize default field level default value is -1, presentChild is [], prevChild is [] for the conditions purpose
      • $let to initialize fields:
        • prev as per condition if both level are equal then return prevChild otherwise return presentChild
        • current as per condition if both level are equal then return presentChild otherwise []
      • in to return level field and prevChild field from initialized fields
        • presentChild $filter SubCategories from prev array and return, merge current objects with SubCategories array using $mergeObjects and concat with current array of let using $concatArrays
    • $addFields to return only presentChild array because we only required that processed array
        $addFields: {
          SubCategories: {
            $reduce: {
              input: "$SubCategories",
              initialValue: { level: -1, presentChild: [], prevChild: [] },
              in: {
                $let: {
                  vars: {
                    prev: {
                      $cond: [
                        { $eq: ["$$value.level", "$$this.level"] },
                    current: {
                      $cond: [
                        { $eq: ["$$value.level", "$$this.level"] },
                  in: {
                    level: "$$this.level",
                    prevChild: "$$prev",
                    presentChild: {
                      $concatArrays: [
                            $mergeObjects: [
                                SubCategories: {
                                  $filter: {
                                    input: "$$prev",
                                    as: "e",
                                    cond: { $eq: ["$$e.sub_category", "$$"] }
      { $addFields: { SubCategories: "$SubCategories.presentChild" } }


    Without $mergeObjects: Playground