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Count+Identify common words in two string vectors [R]

How can I write an R function that can take two string vectors and returns the number of common words AND which common words comparing element 1 from stringvec1 to element 1 of stringvec2, element 2 of strinvec1 to element 2 of stringvec2, etc.

Suppose I have these data:

#string vector 1
strvec1 <- c("Griffin Rahea Petersen Deana Franks Morgan","Story Keisha","Douglas Landon Lark","Kinsman Megan Thrall Michael Michels Breann","Gutierrez Mccoy Tyler Westbrook Grayson Swank Shirley Didas Moriah")

#string vector 2
strvec2 <- c("Griffin Morgan Rose Manuel","Van De Grift Sarah Sell William","Mark Landon Lark","Beerman Carlee Megan Thrall Michels","Mcmillan Tyler Jonathan Westbrook Grayson Didas Lloyd Connor")

Ideally I'd have a function that would return number of common words AND what the common words are:

#Non working sample of how functions would ideally work
[1] 2 0 2 3 4

[1] "Griffin Morgan" "" "Landon Lark" "Megan Thrall Michels" "Tyler Westbrook Grayson Didas"


  • You can split string at each word and perform the operation.

    In base R :

    numwords <- function(str1, str2) {
      mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(x, y)), 
             strsplit(str1, ' '), strsplit(str2, ' '))
    matchwords <- function(str1, str2) {
      mapply(function(x, y) paste0(intersect(x, y),collapse = " "), 
             strsplit(str1, ' '), strsplit(str2, ' '))
    numwords(strvec1, strvec2)
    #[1] 2 0 2 3 4
    matchwords(strvec1, strvec2)
    #[1] "Griffin Morgan"          ""                "Landon Lark"                  
    #[4] "Megan Thrall Michels"          "Tyler Westbrook Grayson Didas"