This file has 3 fields. I wanted e.g. the first 2 fields in green, and the third in white (NB : black background), so I tried :
awk '{print "\033[0;32m"$1"\033[0m", "\033[0;32m"$2"\033[0m", "\033[0;37m"$3"\033[0m"} }' chrono.txt
and everything was green…
How must I proceed (if it is possible) ?
To get color output from awk, you can use this approach.
function red(s) {
printf "\033[1;31m" s "\033[0m "
function green(s) {
printf "\033[1;32m" s "\033[0m "
function blue(s) {
printf "\033[1;34m" s "\033[0m "
print red($1), green($2), blue($3)