Search code examples

sql : select query without duplicate data

select, ft.qty, from first_table ft
left outer join second_table st on =
where = '1abc'

I have two tables. Schemas of those tables are as follows

No 1 table schema

Id Desc Qty
1abc One 3
1abc two 6

No 2 table schema

Id Data
1abc 12ab
1abc 23ab
1abc z99c

The data show wrongly after I join query

Id Desc Qty Data
1abc One 3 12ab
1abc two 6 12ab
1abc One 3 23ab
1abc two 6 23ab
1abc One 3 z99c
1abc two 6 z99c

Following is the correct way it should show in the crystal report. Please suggest me how should I do.

Id Qty Data
1abc 3 12ab
6 23ab


  • You seem to want to list values in separate columns. This is usually best done in the application layer, but you can also use SQL:

    select min(id), min(qty), min(data)
    from ((select id, null as qty, null as data,
                  row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum
           from table1
           group by id
          ) union all
          (select null as id, qty, null as data,
                  row_number() over (order by qty) as seqnum
           from table1
           group by qty
          ) union all
          (select null as id, null as qty, data,
                  row_number() over (order by data) as seqnum
           from table2
           group by data
         ) x
    group by seqnum;