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What is the fastest way to count all set bits?

What is the fastest way to count all set bits?
The number from which I am counting bits is from 1<=n<2^63, only positive values.

For now I use bitset from the library and it is pretty fast, but if there is any faster option I would like to know.

In the worst case scenario I have over 1 billion iterations, so I am looking a way to speed it up.
This is the part of my loop where I am counting the setted bits:

if (std::bitset<64>(currentNumber).count() == numofOnes)


  • Here is a demo of what I mean with a balanced lookup table.
    This one is heavy on the size saving.
    You can adapt the concept to lookup tables of size e.g. 64 or 256, speeding up considerably.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
       unsigned long long int input=679043ULL; // just a big number, for demo
       unsigned char lookup[16]={0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
       unsigned char result=0;
       while (input>0)
           cout << (unsigned int) result << " " << (input&15) << " " << input << endl;
       cout << (unsigned int)result << endl;
       return 0;


    0 3 679043
    2 8 42440
    3 12 2652
    5 5 165
    7 10 10

    The demo outputs shows that the loop accumulates
    2 bits in "3",
    1 bit in "8",
    2 bits in "12",
    2 bits in "5",
    two bits in "10";
    for a total of 9.