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Is there an R function or package for finding the gradient and Hessian of a vectorized equation?

For example if I want to find the gradient and Hessian with respect to x of:

f = function(x,y,alpha,A,b){
  return((1/n)*(y-alpha*x)%*%(y-alpha*x) + (A%*%x-b)%*%(A%*%x-b))


  • CRAN package Deriv can compute symbolic derivatives of R functions.
    In the code below I have removed the call to return in the posted function f.
    Function DDeriv is a copy&paste from this RPubs post changed to use Deriv instead of base D that does not accept functions as its first argument.

    DDeriv <- function(expr, name, order = 1){
      if(order < 1) stop("Order must be >= 1")
      if(order == 1) Deriv(expr, name)
      else DDeriv(Deriv(expr, name), name, order - 1)
    f <- function(x,y,alpha,A,b){
      (1/n)*(y-alpha*x)%*%(y-alpha*x) + (A%*%x-b)%*%(A%*%x-b)

    Using function Deriv directly:

    Deriv(f, "x")
    #function (x, y, alpha, A, b) 
    #    .e1 <- -alpha
    #    .e3 <- A %*% x - b
    #    .e5 <- y - alpha * x
    #    (.e1 %*% .e5 + .e5 %*% .e1)/n + .e3 %*% A + A %*% .e3

    Using function DDeriv:

    DDeriv(f, "x", 1)
    #function (x, y, alpha, A, b) 
    #    .e1 <- -alpha
    #    .e3 <- A %*% x - b
    #    .e5 <- y - alpha * x
    #    (.e1 %*% .e5 + .e5 %*% .e1)/n + .e3 %*% A + A %*% .e3
    DDeriv(f, "x", 2)
    #function (x, y, alpha, A, b) 
    #    .e1 <- -alpha
    #    2 * (.e1 %*% .e1/n) + 2 * A %*% A