How can I change this:
to that:
based on the value of "/dependencies/dependency/groupId" AND "/dependencies/dependency/artifactId"
in bash (by xmlstarlet,...)?
Obviously this seems to be not clear enough. So: The code has to find the dependency with groupId==xyz and artifactId==abc and then (and only then) add the two now nodes to the parent of the groupId and artifactId node.
With the help of @Jack Fleeting and the post from @uk4sx (XMLStarlet does not select anything) - the namespace had to be set - I finally got it running like this (it it run from within a Dockerfile):
RUN xmlstarlet ed -L -N my= \
--subnode "//my:dependencies/my:dependency[my:artifactId[./text()='abc']][my:groupId[./text()='xyz']]" \
--type elem -n scope -v "system" \
--subnode "//my:dependencies/my:dependency[my:artifactId[./text()='abc']][my:groupId[./text()='xyz']]" \
--type elem -n systemPath -v "\.../src/main/.../some.jar" \