Lua's (and any other regex I think) have char-sets that allow matching for any symbol in the set. Is there a way to match several symbols from that set as one? Example
text:gsub("foo[^bar]-","") -- matches for any foo that is not followed by 'b', 'a' or 'r'
Is there a way to make it allow 'b', 'a' or 'r', but not allow exactly 'bar' (and maybe a few more non-one symbol) patterns after?
local s = "{aaa\\rbbb} {ccc\\r\\alpha} {eee\\r}"
local s1 = s:gsub("(\\r[^}]-)}","%1\\alpha&H&}")
local s2 = s:gsub("\\alpha", "\0%0") -- insert zero byte before each \alpha
:gsub("(\\r%f[^r%z][^}]*)}", "%1\\alpha&H&}")
:gsub("%z", "") -- remove all zero bytes
{aaa\rbbb} {ccc\r\alpha} {eee\r}
{aaa\rbbb\alpha&H&} {ccc\r\alpha\alpha&H&} {eee\r\alpha&H&}
{aaa\rbbb\alpha&H&} {ccc\r\alpha} {eee\r\alpha&H&}