With Docker for Windows 10 pro Hyper-V I work normally with File sharing. So in the Docker Desktop section Resources I add a folder like K:\data
on my Windows host. This works well for me for many years.
So my current configuration is:
I investigate if I can switch to Docker for Windows WSL2. Then I would like to continue using the docker compose file with the 2 Docker containers. I would like to continue using the data that is residing on the Windows host. More specifically, on the K:\data
Is it possible to switch from Docker for Windows with Hyper-V to Docker for Windows WSL2 and still use the existing data residing in the Windows folder?
This is not a duplicate question: I work with Docker compose, so I don't want to use the "docker run -v 'host'" solution. In my docker compose file I use e.g. the following line:
- //k/data/spring-boot-app:/data/spring-boot-app
This question gets more important because since the new 2.5+ version, the Hyper-V version is hardly working on my standard Win10pro. The WSL2 worked immediately.
I pose this question as a simple user question, so others may benefit from it. I know that there is a world behind this topic.
Easy does it -- just switching to WSL2 works. I tried both the Docker for Windows 2.4 and 3.0.0 (21-12-2020) version.
Let me proof and explain in 2 simple steps. Take care of the way the volumes are used in the docker-compose.yml file.
First, just enabled the WSL2 in your Docker Desktop
1 - Demo with a simple app:
version: '3'
image: myusernameatdocker/chatbot:1.0-SNAPSHOT
- 8080:8080
- /k/data/chatbot:/data/chatbot
I created a simple Spring Boot application. It writes 1 line to my log file on Windows. That file I could perfectly read. Just on k:\data\chatbot\myfile.txt.
2 - Demo with an existing MySql environment:
version: '3'
image: mysql:5.7
- MYSQL_DATABASE=mydatabase
- MYSQL_USER=johan
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=bladibladibla
- /k/data/var/mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
- "3306:3306"
I just started it and it works. Normally I had first to add a k:\data folder on first installing Docker. Now I didn't do that yet.
AND ... working with //k/data also worked. So, the MySql I use for many years still works.
Did I get the warning that accessing the Windows file system is slow? Yes. OK, in my case for development work not a big deal. It's okay, it works!