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Laravel Livewire queues Serialization is not allowed

I try to load multiple images through the laravel queue as follows:


foreach ($this->imagenes as $pathGaleria) {

        $imagenes = $pathGaleria;
        $nombre = Str::random(10) . $imagenes->getClientOriginalName();

        $ruta = public_path() . '\imagenesPropiedades/' . $nombre;

        dispatch(new ProcesarImagenes($pathGaleria, $ruta));

        $img = imgPropiedades::create([
            'url' => '/imagenesPropiedades/' . $nombre,
            'property_id' => $this->propiedadId


public $pathGaleria;
public $ruta;

 * Create a new job instance.
 * @return void
public function __construct($pathGaleria, $ruta)
    $this->pathGaleria = $pathGaleria;
    $this->ruta = $ruta;

 * Execute the job.
 * @return void
public function handle()
    $img = $this->pathGaleria;
    $rut = $this->ruta;
    //make recibe la imagen
    ->resize(800, null, function ($constraint) {

I get the following error: Serialization of 'Livewire\TemporaryUploadedFile' is not allowed.

Any suggestion will be of great value to me.


  • I would suggest to pass the getRealPath() of the temporary file and later use file_get_contents() and continue from there onward.


    dispatch(new ProcesarImagenes($pathGaleria->getRealPath(), $ruta));

    under your job handle()

    $img = file_get_contents($this->pathGaleria);

    Also, make sure to use queue:listen on your local environment, that way you don't have to restart queue after making changes to the Job file.