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Is PyMySQL's fetchone() buffered?

I am executing database queries which might result in thousands of rows.

The most simple way would to iterate over fetchall():

import pymysql

sql_command = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE some_condition;"
connection = pymysql.connect(...)
cursor = connection.cursor()
nof_affected_rows = cursor.execute(sql_command)
for row in cursor.fetchall():
    # process row

However, I am afraid of memory exhaustion here. Thus, another naive approach would be to iterate over fetchone, one element at a time.

import pymysql

sql_command = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE some_condition;"
connection = pymysql.connect(...)
cursor = connection.cursor()
nof_affected_rows = cursor.execute(sql_command)
while True:
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    if not row:
    # process row

Now a colleague argued I should use fetchmany() because it would retrieve multiple elements at once and thus would avoid roundtrips. At the same time I would stay in control of memory consumption.

Is that true? Is fetchone() buffered or not. If it is buffered, to which extend?


  • PyMySQL eagerly downloads all elements when executing the query.

    Unfortunately, I was unable to find definite statements in the documentation. Therefore I conducted a small experiment.

    I started IPython and executed the following code snippet:

    import pymysql
    sql_command = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE some_condition;"
    connection = pymysql.connect(...)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    nof_affected_rows = cursor.execute(sql_command)

    This resulted in approx. 450000 rows to load.

    In a separate terminal, I monitored the memory consumption of IPython using htop. The memory consumption went up from 0.1% to 7.3% which corresponds to approx. 2.2GiB of memory.

    After I disconnected from the network, I was still able to retrieve all elements from the Cursor.

    Therefore I conclude that all rows are retrieved at cursor.execute(). Thus, in PyMySQL the question of whether to use fetchone, fetchmany or fetchall boils down to whatever is more convenient.