I am using SAS's FILE statement to output a text file having fixed format (RECFM=F). I would like each row to end in a end-of-line control character(s) such as linefeed/carriage return. I tried the FILE statement's option TERMSTR=CRLF but still I see no end-of-line control characters in the output file. I think I could use the PUT statement to insert the desired linefeed and carriage return control characters, but would prefer a cleaner method. Is it a reasonable thing to expect of the FILE statement? (Is it a reasonable expectation for outputting fixed format data?) (Platform: Windows v6.1.7600, SAS for Windows v9.2 TS Level 2M3 W32_VSPRO platform)
Do you really need to use RECFM=F
? You can still get fixed length output with V
data _null_;
file 'c:\temp\test.txt' lrecl=12 recfm=V;
do i=1 to 5;
put @1 i @4 x 6.4;
By specifying where you want the data to go (@1
and @3
) and the format (6.4
) along with lrecl
you will get fixed length output.
There may be a work-around, but I believe SAS won't output a line-ending with the Fixed format.