I have the follwing multi-layout structure without lazy loading. When navigating to https://localhost:44327/admin or /student it doesn't show anything. If I use an empty path instead of admin and student then navigate to it's child (/manageConcern) route it loads the first (AdminLayoutComponent) Layout specified in routing. The second LayoutCompnent (/trainings) doesn't load. looks like the router-outlet in app.component can't read the paths. Any idea what I am missing here? This is what I want to achieve https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-multi-layout-example
path: 'admin',
component: AdminLayoutComponent,
children: [
{path: '', redirectTo: 'manageConcern', pathMatch: 'full'},
{path: 'manageConcern', component: MasterConcernComponent},
{path: 'createTraining', component: AdminComponent},
path: 'student',
component: StudentLayoutComponent,
children: [
{path: '', redirectTo: 'trainings', pathMatch: 'full'},
{path: 'trainings', component: TrainingsComponent},
<app-menu [menuItems]="menuItems"></app-menu>
<div class="app-body-content m-5 p-4">
<app-menu [menuItems]="menuItems"></app-menu>
<div class="app-body-content m-5 p-4">
As app.component.ts is not a routed component it doesn't know anything about the active route. If you want to use your main router-outlet in app.component.ts then you have to add <base href="/">
in your index.html.