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Windows kernel driver cannot print to DebugView

I have just completed the installation of Hello World Windows Driver, the installation is success.

The code in this basically printing a line:

KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "KmdfHelloWorld: DriverEntry\n" ));

For seeing this I have downloaded the DebugView, but the expected "KmdfHelloWorld: DriverEntry" is not getting print in this.

I am running DebugView as administrator in Windows-8.1. I have checked, that it has made a device under the device manager named "KMDFHelloWorld Device".

enter image description here What could be the probable reason that it is not getting print? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.


  • Just enable the following 4 options:

    And check if your driver is compiled with Debug configuration. As to why, see DebugView doesn't capture KdPrint output.